I hope that you find some of these resources educational or helpful.
These resources do not represent my professional recommendation for your particular concerns.
Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)
Failing at Normal: An ADHD Success Story - a 17-minute Ted Talk by Jessica McCabe
Asperger/Autism Network an organization founded in MA with local and online resources
Autism Discussion Page hosted by Bill Nason on Facebook
What I Wish I’d Been Made Aware of When My Daughter Was Diagnosed With Autism at the Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism
"Copy & Paste’ - Hidden Asperger’s-- Girls with Aspergers - a 10-minute Ted talk by Niamh McCann
Anxiety & Trauma
Resources for kids and parents at WorryWiseKids
Understanding Trauma: Learning Brain vs Survival Brain - 5-minute video on how anxiety and trauma affects learning
How Parents Can Help With Child Anxiety - 5-minute video from psychologists at the UCLA Center for Child Anxiety Resilience Education and Support (CARES)
Resources for adults at Anxiety Canada
Resources for families of children with learning disabilities and ADHD at Understood
“What is dyslexia?” - a five minute video found on YouTube
Yale-based course called Everyday Parenting: The ABCs of Child Rearing available online
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
Five Games to Teach Self-Regulation with children ages 3 to 10 (8-minute video)
Behavior change for adults
Seven Minute Workout - brief, interval workout that can be completed at home
Tiny Habits - website and book about changing habits using small changes applied consistently
Finding Your Way to Change: How the Power of Motivational Interviewing Can Reveal What You Want and Help You Get There by Allan Zuckoff, PhD
Mindfulness and meditation
10% Happier - app, podcast, and book created by Dan Harris, an ABC newscaster who discovered meditation after having a panic attack while live on national television
Calm, Headspace, or Insight Timer meditation apps - the first two are excellent quality and have some free resources with daily content available by subscription while Insight Timer has many free resources (quality varies) and some paid content
Stop, Breathe, and Think - app and resources for children and adolescents
Why Mindfulness Is a Superpower: An Animation - a 3-minute animated video (for adults) about mindfulness
Neuroscience of Mindfulness Meditation in 4 Minutes - a 4-minute video about what happens in the brain during meditation
Pediatric occupational therapy in Leicester with Cater2Kids
Psychotherapy and medication management in Sturbridge at Massachusetts Psychiatric Services
Center for Mindfulness at UMass Medical Center